Let him know when he is going wrong
Tell him now when he is going wrong
You can tell him when he is going wrong

Being curt and abrupt on the telephone
While a woman may not mind lingering on the phone, men believing in keeping it short and keeping it simple. This often creates the impression that they are rude, but they may not even be aware of how curt or abrupt it sounds until you point it out.

Hearing without listening
Not all guys have the patience to hear you out while you discuss the problems you are facing at work or home. In fact, one of the biggest mistakes that guys tend to make is that they try to humour the woman and pretend to hear her out, without really listening and paying attention to what she has to say. Then, when asked for advice, they really can't comment because they have not been paying attention. That's why men need to be careful about pretending to listen when they are not really into the conversation. Women, on the other hand, should only have serious conversations when men are up for it.

Cutting you out when he is depressed
While you may not always be able to solve your partner's problems, you can offer emotional support, which can see them through troubled times. However, the worst thing to do is to cut you out by ignoring you or snapping at you. If a man does that, you have to let him know that it's wrong and it upsets you. After all, being in a relationship means sharing both the ups and downs.

Refusing to ask for directions when you're lost
Men see failure as a threat to their relationship. They think that if they admit to making a mistake, you'll stop loving them. Reassure your man that this isn't true. In fact, you'll love him even more for owning up his errors. What will stop you from loving him is that he's still driving around at four in the morning looking for that hotel!

Giving vague responses when quizzed about his day
For a woman, life is in the details. While men like to keep it short, you have to make him realise that when he does not share much, you feel left out because you have a tendency to give him every detail of your life. You can't expect him to do the same, but you can request him to try and share the odd detail as it paints an interesting picture


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