Umesh Raghavan, 40, and his wife Smita, 37, are both professionals living in Mountain View, California. They are both Green Card holders and have been in the US for a little over 10 years. While Umesh came as a student and stayed on, Smita came when she got married. Today, they have two little girls, both born in the US.
Most of their immediate family members are also in the US. Smita's brother is a US citizen and lives in Manhattan, New York. Her parents recently obtained their Green Card and have moved to the US. Umesh's brother recently completed his Fellowship and lives in Chicago with his wife. Only Umesh's parents still live in Baroda, India, although they keep visiting both their sons often.
On a recent vacation to India, Raghavan's banker with whom he has an NRE account, recommended that he invest $1000 per month in apension ULIP. That way, he could earn healthy returns as well as save up a retirement kitty. Umesh asks, "I thought this was a good idea to ensure forced savings. Is it a good idea? Are investments in India safe? Is there any kind of insurance for assets in India?"
A lot Indian Americans are perhaps in the same boat. They've settled in the US and see little chances of going back to India. But they do have an emotional attachment to their country of birth and issues like these do crop up from time to time.
While it's great to invest in India, it is important to have a diversified portfolio. Today, India might seem an attractive place to send money, given the rupee's weakness against the dollar. However, think of what happens if the rupee continues to depreciate even at the time your investment matures and you want to remit the money out of India.
"A lot of NRIs want to invest in India because of emotional reasons. While India is an attractive destination for investments, from a financial planning point of view, we advise our NRI clients to keep their portfolio diversified and have a good mix within their international allocation of developed international markets, emerging markets and even some frontier markets if the risk tolerance allows," says Ariadne Horstman, a private client specialist at Sensiba San Filippo Financial Advisers LLC.
So the first question is how much of your total portfolio should be invested in India. "As a percentage of the portfolio, we broadly recommend our clients to keep 20-25% in emerging markets such as the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and perhaps some other Latin American countries," says Tina Dhar, CFP ® and Wealth Advisor at LPL Financial.
Next comes the issue of how to invest in India.
Option 1: Invest in Indian securities directly
One option is to invest in Indian securities such as Indian equity shares, mutual funds, unit linked policies and bonds etc directly. If you have a bank account in India, you will find that the bank's relationship managers offer you these products from time to time. This is also what Umesh was offered.
The pros:
* India is a growth story and has the potential to offer great returns over the next few decades
* Being your home country you will be more familiar with political and economic risks and may find ways to mitigate those risks
The cons:
* To answer Umesh's question about safety first, like in the US, asset insurance in India too covers only bank deposits and not other financial assets. Having said that, while there is no insurance to protect your assets, Indian regulations are stringent and ensure that all banks and financial institutions are well capitalized.
* The greater risk in investing in India is from political and economic factors like reforms process, currency risk etc. However this is true for any geography and this risk can be mitigated by diversifying your investments geographically too.
* Further as an Indian American, there are several tax and regulatory aspects to take into account.
To begin with, all your global income such as dividends, interest and capital gains must be reported in the US tax return. The process can be cumbersome. You will first have to pay taxes in India and then claim a tax credit in the US. Secondly, you will have to follow regulatory and compliance procedures in both countries. In India, you will have to follow regulations such as Know Your Customer (KYC). In the US if your global financial assets in excess of $100,000 (for married filing jointly) you must report them in Form 8938 along with your tax return. Moreover, all mutual fund and ULIP investments must be reported under the complicated Passive Foreign Investment Company (PFIC) rules.
* Add to all the above the fact that you may not even be able to invest in Indian mutual funds. As per SEC rules, a foreign financial service provider may not sell his products to US persons unless he is registered in the US. So all Indian companies may not sell their products to you.
The verdict: "I do not think it makes any sense for NRIs who are certain for time being of not returning to India, to invest in Indian vehicles. Even if they want exposure to Indian markets, they should pick and choose vehicles which are domiciled in USA and invest in India. This will help them save hassles of adhering to Indian regulations like KYC etc as well as Indian taxation in legitimate way," says Gaurav Mashruwala, a Certified Financial Planner and owner of The Cutting Edge in Mumbai, India.
This brings us to the second option.
Option 2: Invest in India through US based funds
The easiest way for NRIs in the US to start investing in India is perhaps through India focused funds. "We highly recommend Indian Americans to get exposure to Indian markets through US based ETFs. That way, they can be involved in the growth of Indian companies but at the same time, stay away from cumbersome regulatory and compliance processes. While currency risks exist even in these ETFs, they are hedged by the fund manager and the individual investor need not worry about them," Dhar says.
Among mutual funds, Mathews Asia and Wasatch have India funds. Among ETFs, WisdomTree, Powershares, iShares, Blackstone etc are some of the companies that have India ETFs.
Dhar also says that investors looking to invest directly in the Indian equity markets can do so using American Depository Receipts or ADRs.
Whatever route you choose, do your research before investing and consult your financial advisor to find the plan that is best for you.
And if you still want to invest in India, we will tell you about what's better in India, a mutual fund or a ULIP. But in another article.
Most of their immediate family members are also in the US. Smita's brother is a US citizen and lives in Manhattan, New York. Her parents recently obtained their Green Card and have moved to the US. Umesh's brother recently completed his Fellowship and lives in Chicago with his wife. Only Umesh's parents still live in Baroda, India, although they keep visiting both their sons often.
On a recent vacation to India, Raghavan's banker with whom he has an NRE account, recommended that he invest $1000 per month in apension ULIP. That way, he could earn healthy returns as well as save up a retirement kitty. Umesh asks, "I thought this was a good idea to ensure forced savings. Is it a good idea? Are investments in India safe? Is there any kind of insurance for assets in India?"
A lot Indian Americans are perhaps in the same boat. They've settled in the US and see little chances of going back to India. But they do have an emotional attachment to their country of birth and issues like these do crop up from time to time.
While it's great to invest in India, it is important to have a diversified portfolio. Today, India might seem an attractive place to send money, given the rupee's weakness against the dollar. However, think of what happens if the rupee continues to depreciate even at the time your investment matures and you want to remit the money out of India.
"A lot of NRIs want to invest in India because of emotional reasons. While India is an attractive destination for investments, from a financial planning point of view, we advise our NRI clients to keep their portfolio diversified and have a good mix within their international allocation of developed international markets, emerging markets and even some frontier markets if the risk tolerance allows," says Ariadne Horstman, a private client specialist at Sensiba San Filippo Financial Advisers LLC.
So the first question is how much of your total portfolio should be invested in India. "As a percentage of the portfolio, we broadly recommend our clients to keep 20-25% in emerging markets such as the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and perhaps some other Latin American countries," says Tina Dhar, CFP ® and Wealth Advisor at LPL Financial.
Next comes the issue of how to invest in India.
Option 1: Invest in Indian securities directly
One option is to invest in Indian securities such as Indian equity shares, mutual funds, unit linked policies and bonds etc directly. If you have a bank account in India, you will find that the bank's relationship managers offer you these products from time to time. This is also what Umesh was offered.
The pros:
* India is a growth story and has the potential to offer great returns over the next few decades
* Being your home country you will be more familiar with political and economic risks and may find ways to mitigate those risks
The cons:
* To answer Umesh's question about safety first, like in the US, asset insurance in India too covers only bank deposits and not other financial assets. Having said that, while there is no insurance to protect your assets, Indian regulations are stringent and ensure that all banks and financial institutions are well capitalized.
* The greater risk in investing in India is from political and economic factors like reforms process, currency risk etc. However this is true for any geography and this risk can be mitigated by diversifying your investments geographically too.
* Further as an Indian American, there are several tax and regulatory aspects to take into account.
To begin with, all your global income such as dividends, interest and capital gains must be reported in the US tax return. The process can be cumbersome. You will first have to pay taxes in India and then claim a tax credit in the US. Secondly, you will have to follow regulatory and compliance procedures in both countries. In India, you will have to follow regulations such as Know Your Customer (KYC). In the US if your global financial assets in excess of $100,000 (for married filing jointly) you must report them in Form 8938 along with your tax return. Moreover, all mutual fund and ULIP investments must be reported under the complicated Passive Foreign Investment Company (PFIC) rules.
* Add to all the above the fact that you may not even be able to invest in Indian mutual funds. As per SEC rules, a foreign financial service provider may not sell his products to US persons unless he is registered in the US. So all Indian companies may not sell their products to you.
The verdict: "I do not think it makes any sense for NRIs who are certain for time being of not returning to India, to invest in Indian vehicles. Even if they want exposure to Indian markets, they should pick and choose vehicles which are domiciled in USA and invest in India. This will help them save hassles of adhering to Indian regulations like KYC etc as well as Indian taxation in legitimate way," says Gaurav Mashruwala, a Certified Financial Planner and owner of The Cutting Edge in Mumbai, India.
This brings us to the second option.
Option 2: Invest in India through US based funds
The easiest way for NRIs in the US to start investing in India is perhaps through India focused funds. "We highly recommend Indian Americans to get exposure to Indian markets through US based ETFs. That way, they can be involved in the growth of Indian companies but at the same time, stay away from cumbersome regulatory and compliance processes. While currency risks exist even in these ETFs, they are hedged by the fund manager and the individual investor need not worry about them," Dhar says.
Among mutual funds, Mathews Asia and Wasatch have India funds. Among ETFs, WisdomTree, Powershares, iShares, Blackstone etc are some of the companies that have India ETFs.
Dhar also says that investors looking to invest directly in the Indian equity markets can do so using American Depository Receipts or ADRs.
Whatever route you choose, do your research before investing and consult your financial advisor to find the plan that is best for you.
And if you still want to invest in India, we will tell you about what's better in India, a mutual fund or a ULIP. But in another article.
Question on ULIP's and PFIC taxation?
ReplyDeleteSince ULIP's don't freely trade in the stock market how is the notional gain to be determined? Typically the only way to redeem a ULIP is to surrender the policy and get the surrender benefit. Should we use the Surrender Benefit or the Net Asset Value (NAV) for Mark to Market election? Also for form 8938 or FBAR when notifying max dollar value of an ULIP during a year should we again use surrender benefit or NAV?