20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally
Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally 

Cholesterol can stop your life; cholesterol can pull the plug and cut short your life. That's why everyone wants to know ways to enjoy a deep fried samosa and not worry about cholesterol. These 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally will help you understand the mechanics of cholesterol, cholesterol food and ways to increase good cholesterol

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

What is cholesterol? 
Cholesterol is a fat like substance essential to human health. It is an integral part of cell membranes and is used in the production of vitamin D, various hormones and bile acids in our body. Cholesterol is made in our liver and is also present in foods derived from poultry, like meat.

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

What is LDL and HDL? 
LDL or Low Density Lipoprotien and HDL or High Density Lipoprotien are essentially transport vehicles for cholesterol. LDL transports cholesterol to tissues and arteries where the cholesterol can create blockages and hence is bad. On the other hand, HDL transports the cholesterol back to the liver from tissues and prevents deposition in the arteries and hence is good.

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Cholesterol foods
MUFA (Mono unsaturated fatty acid) and PUFA (Polyunsaturated fatty acid) are heart healthy fats and their intake should be increased for better cholesterol levels. Almonds, canola oil, cashews, hazelnuts, olive oil, peanut butter, peanut oil, sunflower oil, avocados, soya bean and soya bean oil, walnuts, corn oil, tuna, pumpkin seeds etc. are good sources of MUFA and PUFA. Poultry without skin and fish are low in cholesterol. Cereals, fresh fruit, and vegetables contain no cholesterol.

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Expert speak on cholesterol
Dr. Arvind Agarwal, Senior Consultant with Internal Medicine from Delhi based Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute states some important points to lower cholesterol, "A diet rich in fibre consisting of oats and salads is generally recommended for patients with high cholesterol. Also, people suffering from cholesterol should avoid taking foods rich in fats and carbohydrates. A high protein diet that includes pulses, eggs etc. is also good for such patients. A person having high cholesterol should engage in aerobic exercises for 30 minutes daily. Activities like cycling and running are also said to reduce cholesterol.

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Cholesterol foods
Priya Kathpal, Nutritionist at BCube Advanced Sports Nutrition suggests ways to lower cholesterol:

Soluble fiber helps reduce the bad cholesterol in body; sources of soluble fiber are oats, apples, kidney beans, prunes.

Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the risk of high blood pressure and also reduce development of blood clots. Sources of omega 3 fatty acids are salmon, mackerel, ground flaxseeds.

Handful of nuts especially walnuts and almonds keep blood vessels healthy as they are rich in good quality fats.

Olive oil typically extra virgin olive oil is a great mix of antioxidants that not only lowers the bad cholesterol but also maintains the good cholesterol.

Consumption of soy and products made from them like tofu have shown to reduce blood cholesterol.

Deep colored fruits are rich in antioxidants that avoid damage of bad cholesterol thus reducing the risk of heart diseases.

Allicin in garlic helps reduce the bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Cholesterol foods
Eileen Canday elaborates on why oats play a crucial role in lowering cholesterol, "Oats are high on every "foods to lower cholesterol" list, due to the simple fact that they are rich in fiber. The soluble fiber contained in oatmeal will reduce the LDL levels in your body, and even 5 or10 grams of this fiber will be instrumental in helping lower your cholesterol. Oats also contain beta-glucol, which helps to absorb the LDL cholesterol, process it, and expel it from the body in your excrement."

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Cholesterol foods
As mentioned earlier, it is important to lower LDL to be fit. Dietician, Eileen explains, "Even if you have years of unhealthy eating under your belt, making a few changes in your diet can reduce cholesterol and improve your heart health. Choose healthier fats. Saturated fats, found in red meat and dairy products, raise your total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the "bad" cholesterol. One should get no more than 10 percent of your daily calories from saturated fat. Instead, choose leaner cuts of meat, low-fat dairy and monounsaturated fats, found in olive, peanut and canola oils for a healthier option."

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Fight high cholesterol: Quit smoking
Staying away from smoking not only improves good cholesterol, but also decreases your blood pressure - which further cuts the risk of various heart diseases. Hence, quit smoking to live a healthy life free of high cholesterol. Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Fight high cholesterol: Limit your alcohol intake
Drinking too much alcohol can lead to serious health problems, including high blood pressure, heart failure and stroke.

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Fight high cholesterol: Exercise on most days of the week
Exercising even for 30 minutes a day will help boost good cholesterol and even help to lose weight

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Fight high cholesterol: Lose weight
"Losing even 5 to 10 pounds of weight will help to lower cholesterol levels," says Dr. Eileen. She adds, "Losing weight is the best way towards healthy living. Take simple steps to fulfill this goal - take a walk when you are bored instead of munching on food, pick up healthier options like carrots while watching a film or take stairs instead of elevators. This doesn't end here; add more innovative ways to incorporate more activity in your daily routine."

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Lifestyle changes for lowering cholesterol
Eileen Canday suggests that in order to lower cholesterol one should lose unnecessary weight. She rationales with you the importance of weight loss, "Carrying some extra pounds even just a few, would contribute to high cholesterol. So losing as little as 5 to 10 pounds (about 2 to 5 kilograms) can help reduce cholesterol levels. Start by taking an honest look at your eating habits and daily routine. Consider your challenges to weight loss and ways to overcome them."

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally
Whether you are trying to prevent high cholesterol or you have already been diagnosed with it, exercise is great medication. It is no rocket science that exercise helps to lower high levels of cholesterol and keep heart diseases at bay. But the practical question that needs to be answered is "How low will my cholesterol levels go if I exercise regularly?"

Experts suggest that at least 40 minutes to 60 minutes of exercise on a daily basis helps in lowering 5 to 10% of LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol can be raised between 3 to 6%. Irrespective of whatever type, intensity and genre of exercise, you go for, it is an essential component of your cholesterol-lowering regimen.

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Lifestyle changes for lowering cholesterol
Eileen Canday further says, "If you eat when you're bored or frustrated, take a walk instead. If you pick up fast food for lunch every day, pack something healthier from home. If you're sitting in front of the television, try munching on carrot sticks instead of potato chips as you watch. And, look for ways to incorporate more activity into your daily routine, such as using the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Take stock of what you currently eat and your physical activity level, and slowly work changes in."

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Facts on cholesterol

Exercise can increase good cholesterol
Daily exercise is very beneficial for healthy living; more so if you want to control cholesterol. Regular exercise can help lower bad cholesterol and increase the density of good cholesterol naturally.

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Facts on cholesterol

Cholesterol rises after menopause
Before menopause, estrogen helps to keep cholesterol levels in check. But after a woman's last menstrual cycle, the level of estrogen falls, making the bad cholesterol rise sharply. As the level of cholesterol rises, it also increases the risk of heart problems in many women.

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Facts on cholesterol

Low cholesterol can be bad as well
Though we all know that high cholesterol is bad for health, on the other hand, very low cholesterol is also associated with health problems. It is important to have a steady level of cholesterol, because if the cholesterol level drops below 160 mg/dL it may increase the chances of certain types of cancer, depression and early delivery.

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Facts on cholesterol

Kids can have cholesterol as well
Due to obesity or family history of heart disease, kids as young as two can have high cholesterol. Hence, it is important to have a medical checkup done as early as possible and keep your diet in check.

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Facts on cholesterol

Some symptoms of high cholesterol are visible to the naked eye
Generally, you come to know about high cholesterol through your doctor. But many a times reddish bumps show up on the body. They are known as xanthomas, and are caused by high cholesterol.

Cholesterol level: 20 ways to reduce cholesterol naturally

Fat and cholesterol
Excess cholesterol is not healthy for the heart; it can increase your chances of cardiovascular diseases.

But certain fats are needed for the body. Nutritionists would suggest that the total intake of fat should be anywhere between 15 - 30 percent of total calories. This depends on your physical activity


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