8 ways to gain control of your life
8 ways to gain control of your life

TOI shares some simple tips to help you do so.

Feeling overwhelmed with too many things happening around you? Is there lack of enough control over your life? Here are some tips to help you de-clutter your life and gain control.

Be more organised
How are you spending time during the week? Prepare a list and see how a typical week for you is. Are you dedicating too much of your time at work or do you end up spending a lot of time with household chores? Or both? Ask yourself where you can organise your time better. Divide and spend your time well so that it doesn't leave you feeling like you're ignoring one part of your life.

Distribute work at home
Are you the one doing the majority of household work and your family members constantly demand your attention? It's time to put your foot down and distribute the daily chores. Share the duties with your partner, siblings or parents. Establish rules and make sure everyone sticks to them.

Be resolute
Learn when to say no and when to say yes. More often than not, we tend to take up things that we don't want to do or don't have time for. Don't let someone else take your decisions — take them on your own!

Focus on daily priorities
Do you generally find yourself having to do a whole lot of things everyday but don't know how to get about doing them? Make a to-do list and then decide what needs your attention first. Prioritising will keep you focused. Ask yourself which task is urgent and which can be put off for later. Completing a task and ticking it off from your list will give you better control and save time as well.

Use your commuting time well
In Mumbai, a majority of the population travel far distances to reach their work place, one needs to use this time well. Carry a book or listen to music to make use of the time. Go through your list of to-do things or catch up with a friend. Avoid any sort of arguments with fellow passengers. These small things will make your journey less tiresome. 

De-clutter your home
Studies show that people who live in cluttered surroundings are more disorganised. So if your house is full of unused or irrelevant things, then its time to bring some order. Declutter in a way that it becomes easier for you to locate things when you need them. Being clutter-free and organised will not only save you time but also help you feel relaxed and focused. Why keep those things, which you don't need or know you will never use? Instead, give it to someone who needs it.

Cook more at home
If you think you save time by eating out or ordering a take-away, think again. Cooking at home is not only healthy and affordable, but also keeps you active and occupied. All you need to do is use your time in the kitchen wisely — shop for vegetables every two to three days, and make a trip to the supermarket once every week.

Know your capacity
Do you have too much of work on you? While having or taking responsibility is fine, you need to know your limitations as well. Be realistic about your goals and expectations and never compare yourself to anyone else. The moment you accept your limitations, it'll be easier for you to organise and perform better


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