UNITED NATIONS: Argentina's President Cristina Kirchner renewed her country's demand for talks on the sovereignty of the British-ruled Falkland Islands at the UN Security Council on Tuesday.

"This is not a fanciful stance. We simply want the United Nations resolution to be enforced and for our two countries to sit down and discuss this," she said. 

Argentina is the new rotating chair of the Security Council, and Kirchner admitted it was controversial to raise the Falklands during a debate ostensibly about the United Nations' ties with regional bodies. 

Britain is a permanent council member and its ambassador, Mark Lyall Grant, was in the chamber to hear Kirchner's speech. 

Kirchner recalled that the UN General Assembly passed a resolution in 1964 urging Britain and Argentina to hold negotiations over sovereign of the islands, which Britain has ruled since 1833. 

Speaking the day after UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon notified her that Britain had again refused to discuss the sovereignty issue, Kirchner questioned Britain's commitment to upholding UN resolutions. 

"One can have discordant opinions about something that has not been resolved by the United Nations, but when this body that covers us all, that we are all signatories of, whose resolutions we have all committed to respect, issues a resolution through its General Assembly, this body's maximum organ, it is not a matter of discordant opinions," she said. 

"We are before a UN resolution. Are we ready to fulfill what we're obligated to do or not?" she demanded. 

The British ambassador's response was firm. 

"The views of the people of the Falkland Islands cannot be dismissed. There can be no discussion on the sovereignty of the islands unless and until the islanders so wish," Lyall Grant said. 

"They made their views unequivocally clear in the referendum in March when they voted overwhelmingly to remain a UK overseas territory," he told the Council. 

"The United Kingdom fully respects all its obligations and responsibilities as a member of the United Nations. The principle of self-determination on which our position on the Falkland Islands is based is enshrined in the UN Charter." 

Argentina, which was then ruled by a military junta under General Leopoldo Galtieri, invaded and occupied the islands in April 1982. 

This prompted Britain to send a task force of 100 ships to recapture them in a war in which 649 Argentine and 244 British troops died. 

In March, Falkland Islanders voted 99.8 percent to remain a British territory. But Argentina rejected the vote as meaningless and Kirchner has repeatedly staked its claim.


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