Keep your hands young
Keep your hands young

Read on to find out how to deal with those ageing hands

There are way too many skin care products to cure an ageing face, but hardly does anyone talk about ageing hands. The truth being, two parts that really can reveal a woman's true age is her knees and her hands. While, we think one cannot fix knee aging, a regular skin care regimen can surely prevent aging of hands. Here are some skin care tips to help you let go of that damper. 

1. Wear gloves: In winter, or while subjecting your hands to harsh chemicals (while gardening or washing utensils/clothes) protect your hands by covering them with pair of gloves. 

2. Opting for the right sunscreen: It is true, sun protection is way important for a younger looking skin. To prevent skin ageing, use sunscreen on your face, but don't deprive your hands of the same. Use an SPF 15 or SPF 30 for the hands as well. 

3. Moisturise every night: A simple step like moisturising can make a huge difference to your skin. After taking a shower, or after washing your hands, apply a hand cream to get younger looking skin. Before you hit the sack, use a cream that promotes collagen formation, this is of much help. 

4. Try a peptide based cream: As one grows old, the veins end up becoming visible. It is recommended that you use a cream that has ingredients such as peptides, retinol and other growth stimulants that target loss of collagen. 

5. Use antioxidants: To prevent damage from the sun (as the back of ones hands is always subjected to exposure to the sun in turn allowing dark spots on it) apply a cream/serum that has antioxidants in it. This allows the UV radiation from reaching the skin and thus prevents skin damage


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