Things your man doesn't find funny
Things your man doesn't find funny

There are some things you can never joke about with your man. Debarati S Sen finds out more about a couple of these super-sensitive topics.

It is cool to clown around once in a while and for most guys a woman with a whacky sense of humor means a lot and they really appreciate it. Men are proud of the fact that they have an ability to laugh at themselves, and can really dish out some funny lines for the benefit of others. But there are some topics that men are sensitive about and they would really hate being laughed at. Be careful when you broach these topics when you are with your man, if you want your relationship to go somewhere!

No matter how much is written in fashion magazines about how sexy a bald-head can be, men never really believe it. "Most of my male friends feel that chrome domes are not sexy. There have been times when I have regretted talking about their thinning hair because this topic has invariably upset them," says Soumya Nanda, an HR executive.

Abhijit Gupta, a software personnel agrees, "I am 28 and my hair has started thinning already. I really do not like being the butt of jokes at parties and get-togethers."

Dr Kersi Chawda, president of Bombay Psychiatric Society and a consultant at Hinduja Hospital, says with a chuckle, "Of course men don't like to be told anything about their thinning hair or bald head. It hurts them just like it would hurt any girl if she was told that her breasts were too small."

Gupta adds, "It does upset me when my girlfriend mentions it. I know that I am balding and I really do not need a woman reminding me about it."

Another thing that men usually hate being told is that their pay packets are too small. Dr Chawda says, "This may lead to major psychological complications in relationships. Men have been brought up with the notion that they are breadwinners in the family. But when they see that they are unable to fulfill that they hurt inside and hate being reminded about it. They feel extremely insulted when their partner mentions it or taunts him even jokingly. Some men who are confident can handle it, otherwise this factor may damage relationships."

Shraddha Kamath, a research student agrees, "Though it sounds a little ancient but it is true. Men just cannot digest the fact that it is okay to earn less than their spouse or girlfriend. I have a friend whose wife earns much more than he does. They had been seeing each other for 12-13 years before they got married but now the fact that she earns more is taking a toll on their relationship." If this isn't dealt with soon relationships may take a severe beating and ultimately die a premature death say experts.

"I think we men feel totally emasculated when our salaries are less than that of our partners. I know it is not right but I am embarrassed that my girlfriend out-earns me. I do appreciate her alpha-female status but I don't like being a beta-boy toy for her. She once joked about it saying, 'you could be a house-husband' and though she had not intended to insult me, I had hated it. I had hated her for saying that. This is no laughing matter," states a young media person on conditions of anonymity.

"Of course men don't like to be told anything about their thinning hair or bald head. It hurts them just like it would hurt any girl if she was told that her breasts were too small."


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